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Website launched

Hello, I am Kazuki Hotta, Kitasato University School of Allied Health Sciences.

We launched our website in 2022, and held a seminar on 2023/2/9 with 3rd grade students of the Physical Therapy Course, second-year students of the Master's Program, and second-year students of the Master's Program at Niigata University of Health and Welfare. Mr. Ichisugi of Niigata University of Health and Welfare graduate school gave a presentation on "Effect of sepsis on skeletal muscle microcirculation".

こんにちは,北里大学医療衛生学部 理学療法学専攻 堀田一樹です.


Hotta Labでは,基礎理学療法学の研究として骨格筋の微小循環制御について研究をしています。多くの研究成果を発信をしつつ,少しずつウェブサイトも拡充していきたいと思っています.


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