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28th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Fundamental Physical Therapy

2023/12/2-3に広島国際会議場にて実施された第28回日本基礎理学療法学会学術大会にて大学院生のD1 福﨑 なるみさんが敗血症の骨格筋萎縮に関する研究を発表しました.堀田准教授は第27回日本基礎理学療法学会の学会長賞を受賞したため,表彰式に出席しました.

Narumi Fukuzaki, D1 graduate student, presented her research on skeletal muscle atrophy in sepsis at the 28th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Fundamental Physical Therapy held at Hiroshima International Conference Center on December 2-3, 2023. Associate Professor Hotta attended the award ceremony to receive the President's Award of the 27th Japanese Society of Fundamental Physical Therapy.


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